Justin Bieber: 'Someday' Fragrance Commercial Starts Bizarre Twitter Frenzy - Gather Celebs News Channel

<div readability="78.6481939634"> <p>Justin Bieber's new commercial for his new perfume, <em>Someday</em>, has started a weird Twitter frenzy. For some reason, it's causing a flurry of extreme reactions online from haters and beliebers alike. Not since the death threats spawned a few months back by the his budding relationship with girlfriend, Selena Gomez, has the teen dream caused such a variety of passionate written reactions. It's more than just bizarre. It's almost spooky.<br/><br/><img src="http://ts1.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=766235640744&amp;id=b0e89d5f7e6f87a8dc81689221dabcb0&amp;url=http%3a%2f%2f3.bp.blogspot.com%2f_C559ULtRL1E%2fTT9-RWqB9DI%2fAAAAAAAABJY%2fqYhJ8oPqvQw%2fs1600%2fJustin-Bieber-LOVE-Magazine.jpg" class="sg_t"/>Yes, Justin Bieber has inadvertently elicited a firestorm of extreme praise, vicious criticism, and just plain puzzlement on the Internet with his new <em>Someday</em> commercial. In the ad, the <em>Never Say Never</em> star becomes airborne like a comely sprite still possessed of swagger. Hovering above the earth against a backdrop of sun-gilded clouds, he romances a model, mostly by sniffing her, stroking her hair, and giving her a piggy back ride as he floats around the skies. The commercial ends with the two canoodling over a bottle of the apparently magical perfume before the Biebs steals away--presumably to catch the next wind gust back into the stratosphere.</p><p>It's a bit overblown, but, it's just a commercial--not a major motion picture. However, the reactions online make it seem like a remake of <em>Gone with the Wind.</em> The negative comments were... harsh. One tweeted:</p><p><em>LMFAO AT JUSTIN BIEBER'S PERFUME COMMERCIAL. WHAT DA FUQ IS THIS.</em></p><p>The positive reactions were largely garden variety true belieber worshipful praise:</p><p><em>...we r expecting to fly in heaven with @justinbieber everytime we spray this product. sincerely, beliebers.</em></p><p><em>wow the commercial for SOMEDAY is haaaawt!!</em></p><p>Lastly, some respondents were just confused:</p><p><em>@justinbieber to be honest I thought the #someday commercial was a little bit confusing :) But I love u anyway!</em></p><p>Confusion is probably the safest reaction. By the way, the girl in the video is Dree Hemingway who is the daughter of actress Mariel Hemingway and great-granddaughter of literary giant, Ernest Hemingway.</p><p>Wonder what that macho guy would make of this?</p><p>© Hope Carson 2011</p></div><div id="siteReport" readability="29.658266129"> <div id="siteReportHeadding" readability="6.91764705882">Please provide details below to help Gather review this content. If it is found to be inappropriate and in violation of the Gather Terms of Service, action will be taken.</div> </div><p>You have successfully submitted a report for this post.</p>


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