Justin Bieber pelted with eggs at Sydney concert - Herald Sun

<div id="story" readability="40"> <!-- .story-header --> <div class="story-body story-length-short lead-media-none" readability="27"> <div class="story-intro" readability="34"> <p><strong> <!-- google_ad_section_start(name=story_introduction, weight=high) --> CANADIAN pop sensation Justin Bieber refused to crack after coming under attack during a performance in front of thousands of screaming fans in Sydney, Sky News reported. <!-- google_ad_section_end(name=story_introduction) --> </strong></p> </div><!-- // .story-intro --> <!-- google_ad_section_start(name=story_body, weight=high) --> <p>The teen superstar was performing at the city's Acer Arena on Friday night, when six eggs were launched from the crowd.</p><p>Footage of the incident showed two eggs landing within a meter of the singer during a routine, before four more dropped seemingly from above him, smashing instantly at the front of the stage.</p><p>Bieber backtracked away from the audience as a helper quickly cleaned up the mess, before the show went on.</p><p>The incident prompted a storm of criticism on social networking sites with one fan taking to Twitter to warn the culprit, "Dear person who threw eggs at @justinbieber in Sydney, you now have over #9millionbeliebers after you, be afraid! We go harder than hard!"</p> <!-- // .story-sidebar --> <!-- google_ad_section_end(name=story_body) --> </div><!-- // .story-body --> <!-- // .story-footer --> <!-- // #comments --> <!-- // .story-extras-2 --> </div>


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